Requesting and Setting up a Team

If you have an ongoing group of people who are going to be working together for a significant period of time (A few months, a semester or years) and you have a significant amount of work you will be doing together and files to share ( A class, research/project team, department team) you could likely benefit from a common workspace for your team meetings, files, and discussions: You need a Team.

To a request an MS Team the process has been updated as of September 8, 2020. Please see below details for requesting a Team.

MS Teams is a collaboration platform available to you as a faculty member for both departmental meetings or project groups, as well as for facilitating student engagement activities.

Teams need to be created manually, they are not generated automatically. 

To request the creation of a Team, ServiceDesk/IT and CATL have collaborated to create an MS Teams Request Form.
The form can be found at

Once completed, the form will be submitted to ServiceDesk, and if all required information has been provided, a new MS Team (either non-academic or academic depending on your requirements) will be created for you.  You will receive a confirmation email, and the team will automatically appear in your Teams app.

We hope this will allow for rapid turnaround time for you when you need a new Team created. 

Please note: Loyalist College’s expectations regarding privacy requirements, data ownership, support, and managing a Class Team are included on the MS Teams Request Form. Please read this information carefully to ensure you are providing the best and safest learning experience for your students.

Organizational Members (Owner and Member roles)

Organizational Members are people with a email address and are therefore linked to the Loyalist College office365 account.

Owners (aka-Teachers in Class Teams)

Owners have all management options available to them by default. They are responsible for the overall operation of a Team.

Members (aka-Students in Class Teams)

Members can have different levels of access and permission based on the permission settings of the team (see Changing member roles or Changing Member and Guest Permissions). They are usually the main body and largest number of users in a Team.

Non Organizational Members

Guests- (Guest role only)

Guest access is for people who need to be part of your team on a continuous basis without a email. Anyone can be made a Guest by an owner by adding their email address into the add member function. Guests can have different levels of access and permission based on the permission settings of the team (see Changing member roles or Changing Member and Guest Permissions)